Helping you make more money online by ranking your websites and videos is the core of IM Smart Money. However, it’s important to understand that, in order to make the most out of your time and efforts with Internet Marketing, you need a great deal of self-discipline and confidence.
With that being said, we want to stress that mindset is extremely important, so we’re devoting a special section to mindset and goal setting.
What is Mindset?
Mindset is defined as: “A set of beliefs, a way of thinking that determines one’s behavior, outlook and mental attitude.” While mindset is learned early in life, it can be changed with practice and dedication.
#1 How Our Beliefs Impact Life, Success, and Happiness
First, there is the set of beliefs: Our beliefs make up our own personal map, which enables us to navigate through life.
A set of beliefs is what provides each of us with a sense of certainty about something. Whether that something is religion, money, a geographical location, or something else, that set of beliefs is the primary basis for everything we think about as well as how we respond and react to people and events.
Our beliefs are taught to us when we are very young and totally impressionable, usually by our parents. Statistics indicate that what a child is taught from the time of birth through the age of seven is most deeply engrained in us and forms the foundation for everything we think and feel throughout life.
However, the important thing to realize is that our beliefs have only as much authority in our life as we allow them to have. We can also change our beliefs if we try.
As you reflect on your life, if your beliefs have not served you and helped you reach your goals, then it is just a matter of making a conscious effort to redirect those beliefs and change your thoughts in order to take different actions and create different results.
#2 The Power of Thoughts and Self-Talk
Following beliefs, there is your way of thinking. This is comprised of our daily thoughts and the type of language we use, both internally and externally. The Foundation of National Science estimates that the human brain produces up to fifty thousand thoughts per day, and more than ninety percent of these thoughts run through our mind multiple times throughout the course of a day.
Ultimately, it is these thoughts that are a direct reflection of the set of beliefs we hold as true and what dictates our actions. If you are constantly saying your book, website or product is not good enough and requires more time, you might get stuck and never release or promote it.
Reflect for a moment on how you talk. Is it in a positive way? What is your inner voice constantly saying? What about the self-talk you do? Is it something like ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t deserve’?
Your self-talk and the way you carry on a conversation is also directly related to your mindset. Did you grow up in a household where money caused a lot of arguments or stress with your parents? If so, then you were taught negative annotations about money without even realizing it. Alternatively, perhaps your religious beliefs decree that money is evil, and even when you get your hands on some, you subconsciously get rid of it as quickly as possible because your deep inner thoughts are reminding you of that.
Becoming aware of your thoughts will help you in realizing how they command the action you take. The good news is that, with a little bit of consistent training, you can begin to change your thoughts and actions. It is important to realize that actions are taken both on a conscious and unconscious level. The subconscious actions, of course, are the ones that are associated with our instincts and are deeply imbedded into our minds — these form habits. Although they are the most difficult to change, it is possible with intentional effort.
#3 Recognize That Actions Are Directed by Mindset
Finally, the third aspect of mindset is the result you get, which is the direct outcome of the actions you’ve chosen to take (whether that choice is conscious or subconscious). There is a saying that goes: “As long as you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you got.”
So, considering all aspects of mindset, taking action to change your beliefs, thoughts, and/or actions means you can start seeing different (and, hopefully, better) results. After all, there is no such thing as fate or being dealt a bad hand in life. YOU are the only one able to change your path.
Simple Steps to Change Your Mindset
To wrap things up, here is some advice and steps you can follow to help transform your mindset and see the results you want.
Look within and consider your set of personal beliefs.
- How have your beliefs served you?
- Were they engrained in you during childhood?
- What results in your life correspond to a specific belief? Do you want to change the results?
Create a vision that you can be passionate about.
- Write down details, describing it so well that you can create a vivid picture of the end result in your mind.
- What actions are necessary in making this vision a reality?
- Itemize a plan that will enable you to get from point A to point B
- Review it at least once a day.
Adopt a positive attitude.
- This can be difficult if you have a tendency to say “I can’t” take baby steps and when you say “I can’t”, add “yet” at the end.
- When a negative thought creeps in and you realize it, make a conscious effort to redirect it to a positive. Did you know that it only takes seventeen seconds to redirect a thought? Consider for a moment that you are so down in the dumps one day that saying even the simplest positive affirmation sounds so far-fetched (and ridiculous) that you can’t make it work. If that is the case, then simply focus on something else…oh my nose is itching, oh the bottom of my foot is itching, I must get to it….OR count to seventeen…There you go, you’ve stopped that negative thought just in the nick of time!
Keep company with positive, inspiring people.
- What type of people do you spend time with? Are they positive thinking or always complaining?
- You become what you think about, you know.
- Treat yourself as often as you can to dinner at an exquisite restaurant. Soak in the atmosphere, the people surrounding you. (I’ll bet it is much better then hearing about your ‘best friend’s’ current life problems) Really come on, what does complaining get you? More down in the dumps and depressed, usually.
Take action in working towards your vision.
- If you see something that someone else is doing and it resonates with you, then figure out a way you can do it, the same or even better.
- If you don’t have the means to do it completely like they do, then ask yourself how you can do it with the tools you have at hand…and do it!
Interested in more advice on mindset and being successful in Internet Marketing? Continue reading IM Smart Money’s blog for more tips.